I had to start my goodbyes this past weekend. Goodbyes are the worst! Not only is moving supposed to be one of the most stressful activities, but mix in saying goodbye to some amazing friends and colleagues. Those two mixed together makes for a very emotional Teeny!
Last night I had to say goodbye to one of my rocks in Portland. Not only has he been such a wonderful friend, he also has been my yoga partner. Without him I don't think my love for yoga would have grown out of control over the past two years. We definitely fed each others addictions. We both decided that we weren't going to get emotional during the airport drop off last night. What he doesn't know is the second I left the departures zone at PDX I lost it! Blubbery, blotchy faced, teary eyed mess.
I love you Yogi! Come down to Australia. There are VERY cute boys waiting for you.

On a little side note - I am in complete denial that I leaving this week. I refuse to talk to Jess about it because I know we will both lose it. Proof!
Here's to new adventures!
xoxo. it's not real.